Dual USB-A Charger – R




Why spend thousands for an installation when you can purchase a dual USB charger and utilize the existing mounting receptacles in your aircraft?  This charger features smart charging, EMI filtering, Over-Current Protection, Over–Temperature Protection, and Line Drop Compensation. Simply connect this charger in place of you old displays and arrive at your destination with all of your devices fully charged. 

    • Nominal Input Voltage: 28 V DC
    • Max Current Consumption:  950 mA at 28V DC
    • (2) USB A Output receptacles
    • Output Voltage:  5 VDC +/- 0.25V
    • Output Current: 2.5 A max output per port
    • Blue LED Indicates when charger is receiving 28V DC
    • Material: Machined Anodized Aluminum
    • Connector Type: Micro-D


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