Pilot Tools
Aviate. Navigate. Communicate. These three words form the fundamentals of safely piloting an airplane. At Send, our solutions help you do all of those things better, and have more fun along the way.

FBO Link
Talk to your FBO, any time, anywhere.
FBOlink is an enhancement to the FBO experience that allows direct digital communication to an FBO CSR from the Aircrew, anywhere in the world at any altitude. Over 3500 pilots are using FBOLink to improve safety, coordination and requests with worldwide FBOs.
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GPS Spoof-proofing
Stop hackers from threatening your flight information.
Hacking into and altering flight information is a growing threat. With a simple add-on to Airtext,
we can stop hackers and make your aircraft GPS “spoof proof.”

Using science to improve landings.
Landing is in essence an art based on visual cues processed by the pilot. Land-DAR improves landings by providing accurate above the ground callouts to assist in the landing process — changing the art of landing into more of a science with specific information as to height above the runway.
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